Today is the first day of rehearsals for the new production of Into the Woods directed by Olivier Benezech. If you've followed Olivier's work in recent years, you'll know that his take on this is likely to be quite different! I'm really looking forward to discover his vision for what is one of my all time favorite musicals (not to mention getting to play one of my long dreamed of roles: the Witch!)
The show opens on October 6th in Boulogne sur Mer with Sinan Bertrand, Dalia Constantin, Scott Emerson, Grégory Garell, Bastien Jacquemart, Jérôme Pradon, Jasmine Roy, Charlotte Ruby (and me!)
You can already reserve your tickets for the various tour dates HERE
For behind the scenes rehearsal photos, check out the official Facebook page
And now I'm off to rap about ripping up some rampion!