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Nov 8, 20191 min read
Backstage at Baba Yaga
It's always amazing to see something that you've written come to life. When I first thought of using shadow puppets to illustrate some of...

Oct 7, 20191 min read
Baba Yaga premieres!
Baba Yaga opened last night at the Théâtre Jacques Prévert in Aulnay sous Bois. This is the very first time I haven't been able to attend...

Apr 13, 20192 min read
Baba Yaga first read-through!
Talk about an excitement filled moment! Today I went out to the Théâtre Jacques Prévert in Aulnay sous Bois to attend the first...

Sep 14, 20181 min read
Élémentaire mon cher!
The first performances of "Élémentaire mon cher" are coming up soon! If you can't wait until January to see it at the Bastille, click...

Jul 26, 20181 min read
Élémentaire, mon cher! at the Bastille
I'm very proud to announce that tickets have just gone on sale for our new show, "Élémentaire, mon cher" at the Bastille Opera...

Jun 24, 20181 min read
Élémentaire, mon cher!
This week the wonderful CREA performers presented some excerpts from our musical about Sherlock Holmes to local officials at the City...

Oct 7, 20171 min read
Énooormes - 1st official video!
Here it is - the first official promotional video for Énooormes, which will be opening on January 4, 2018 at the Théâtre Trévise. Keep...

Feb 17, 20153 min read
#Hashtags! (the musical)
Earlier this year, Samuel Sene, the director of Musidrama, asked me, and my husband Thierry Boulanger, to write a new musical tailor-made...

Jan 24, 20151 min read
Bons Baisers de Broadway premiere
Bons Baisers de Broadway is opening next week - I can't even begin to say how thrilled I am to finally see Max and Lily, my two...

May 4, 20142 min read
Bons Baisers de Broadway update - filling in the bones
This has been an exciting couple of weeks for Bons Baisers de Broadway. We had our call-backs and now have a wonderful couple to bring...

Feb 9, 20142 min read
Bons Baisers de Broadway - auditions
L'avis d'audition vient d'être mise en ligne, alors pour ceux qui veulent en savoir un peu plus sur nos recherches... Bons Baisers de...
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